Monday, 3 November 2014

PDF⋙ Laboratory Exercises for Freshwater Ecology by John E. Havel

Laboratory Exercises for Freshwater Ecology by John E. Havel

Laboratory Exercises for Freshwater Ecology

Laboratory Exercises for Freshwater Ecology by John E. Havel PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Limnology, stream ecology, and wetland ecology all share an interdisciplinary perspective of inland aquatic habitats. Scientists working in these fields explore the roles of geographic position, physical and chemical properties, and the other biota on the different kinds of plants and animals living in freshwaters. How do these creatures interact with each other and with their physical environment? In what ways have humans impacted aquatic habitats? By what methods do freshwater ecologists study these environments? With this new laboratory manual, Havel provides a variety of accessible hands-on exercises to illuminate key concepts in freshwater ecology. These exercises include a mixture of field trips, indoor laboratory exercises, and experiments, with some portions involving qualitative observations and others more quantitative. With the help of this manual, students will develop an appreciation for careful techniques used in the laboratory and in the field, as well as an understanding of how to collect accurate field notes, keep a well-organized lab notebook, and write clear scientific reports.

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