Using Experience to Develop Leadership Talent: How Organizations Leverage On-the-Job Development (J-B SIOP Professional Practice Series) by Cynthia D. McCauley, Morgan W. McCall
Using Experience to Develop Leadership Talent: How Organizations Leverage On-the-Job Development (J-B SIOP Professional Practice Series) by Cynthia D. McCauley, Morgan W. McCall PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
How organizations can effectively put experience at the center of the development processResearch increasingly and conclusively shows that effective leaders continue to learn, grow, and change throughout their careers and that a significant part of this development occurs through on-the-job experiences. Co-Published by the Society of Industrial and Organizational Psychology and sponsored by the Center for Creative Leadership, Using Experience to Develop Leadership Talent provides real-world strategies, best practices, lessons learned, and global perspectives on how organizations effectively use experience to develop talent.
- Provides an in-depth look at a variety of leader development initiatives that have taken up the challenge of putting experience at the center of the development process
- Written by senior practitioners who have implemented initiatives they write about
- Shares new development planning tools, systematic approaches to managing the assignments of high potentials, tools to educate managers on how to find assignments that meet their employee's development needs
- Includes online resources that allow employees to search for development opportunities
Describing challenges and practices in multinational companies around the world, Using Experience to Develop Leadership Talent will serve as a focused guide to how organizations can use on-the-job development to reshape leader development practices that better integrate work and learning.
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